Qinglu Academy, once hailed as the pinnacle of magical education in the Martial Magic Continent, was ruthlessly thrust into the depths of despair and insignificance. The despicable Mo Tianxiong, leading a treacherous gang, ambushed the esteemed Old Dean and brazenly pillaged the academy’s invaluable treasures, including the illustrious “Qinglu Magic Outfit”. From that fateful day, Qinglu Academy, overshadowed and eclipsed by its rivals, languished in the shadows of its former glory.
However, hope emerged in the shape of Li Qinglu, a fiercely loyal disciple determined to restore the academy to its rightful place of eminence. Pitted against relentless oppression from rival establishments, Li Qinglu defied all odds, fearlessly traversing the treacherous path to retrieve the lost fragments of the scattered and stolen “Magic Outfit Qinglu”—each acquisition a resounding triumph and testament to the indomitable spirit that thrives within the hallowed halls of Qinglu Academy.
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